For Creative Minds

"Neuro-wearables and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are already here, and soon they will be everywhere."
Ars Electronica

For Creative Minds

Neuro-wearable devices have made neural signals available for a variety of purposes, such as wellness applications, game control and art installations. As the number of applications grows, so does the need for neurotechnological skills. In addition, the safe and responsible use of neural information in non-traditional settings, such as at home, in an exhibition and outdoors, has become a relevant and rather urgent issue for many.

GoodNeuro provides learning and training opportunities for people from different backgrounds. Our clients include engineers, psychologists, artists, educators, sports instructors and many more. We provide training and information tailored to each client’s needs and level of experience.

Let’s work together for the safe and responsible use of neural data.

Services and Examples
Expert consultation
Safety and ethics compliance check
Neural signal quality check
Leaning neuroscience
Introduction to neural data analysis
A blue magnifying glass icon on a black background.

Art and neuroscience

We support creative and safe use of neural data.
A blue magnifying glass icon on a black background.

Brush-up EEG skills

We offer lectures and hands-on workshops to brush up on your neurotech skills.

We can help you to enjoy safe and reliable neurotechnology

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