For Research

Expert support: When you need it, as long as you need it.
A man pointing at MRI images for research.

For Research

More and more academic projects are incorporating neuroscience methods. User-friendly neurotech systems are driving the trend, but more is needed to integrate neurotech elements into an individual project. GoodNeuro offers several services to facilitate a smooth and effective integration.

GoodNeuro is neither an agent for a specific neurotech supplier nor an advocate for a specific research group. Our services are structured around the three basic elements of neurotechnology: data, theory, and algorithms, and conform to the latest ethical standards in neuroscience research. Our systematic, results-driven approach makes us the preferred choice of researchers in Europe and around the world.

Services and Examples
Expert consultation
Project support
Neurotech operator training
Neural- and meta data analysis
Data interpretation with statistics
Safety and ethics compliance check
Publication assistance
A blue magnifying glass icon on a black background.

Launching a neurotech project

GoodNeuro is a contractor of an EU-funded academic support program.
A blue magnifying glass icon on a black background.

Quest for the best system

GoodNeuro can help you to find the best system for your project.
A blue magnifying glass icon on a black background.

Brush-up EEG skills

We offer lectures and hands-on workshops to brush up on your neurotech skills.

GoodNeuro has been the choice of research groups in Europe and beyond.

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